We’ll make a first transformation that adds a field to a class and initializes it in the constructor of the current class.

Factories and setters to create AST elements

With Factory (javadoc), you can get and create all elements of the meta model. For example, if you want to create a class with the name “Tacos”, use the factory to create an empty class and fill information on the created element to set its name.

CtClass newClass = factory.Core().createClass();

First, create a new field. To do that, create the type referenced by our field. This type is a java.util.List which have a java.util.Date as generic type.

final CtTypeReference<Date> dateRef = getFactory().Code().createCtTypeReference(Date.class);
final CtTypeReference<List<Date>> listRef = getFactory().Code().createCtTypeReference(List.class);

dateRef, a CtTypeReference (javadoc), is created by our factory from Date.class given by Java. We also created listRef which is created by our factory from List.class and we add our dateRef as actual type argument which represents the generic type of the list.

Now, create the field. A field has a name, a type and private.

final CtField<List<Date>> listOfDates = getFactory().Core().<List<Date>>createField();

We have created a field named “dates”, with a private visibility and typed by our previous type reference, listRef, which is java.util.List<java.util.Date>.

Second, create the constructor. Before the creation of a CtConstructor (javadoc), create all objects necessary for this constructor and set them in the target constructor. The constructor has a parameter typed by the same type of the field previously created and has a body to assign the parameter to the field.

final CtCodeSnippetStatement statementInConstructor = getFactory().Code().createCodeSnippetStatement("this.dates = dates");

final CtBlock<?> ctBlockOfConstructor = getFactory().Code().createCtBlock(statementInConstructor);

final CtParameter<List<Date>> parameter = getFactory().Core().<List<Date>>createParameter();

final CtConstructor constructor = getFactory().Core().createConstructor();

Wow! Wait … What is CtCodeSnippetStatement?

You can convert any string in a CtStatement (javadoc) with createCodeSnippetStatement(String statement) or in CtExpression (javadoc) with createCodeSnippetExpression(String expression). In our case, we convert this.dates = dates in a CtAssignement (javadoc) with an assignment and an assigned element.

With this last example, you have created a statement that you have put in a block. You have created a parameter typed by the same type as the field and you have put all these objects in the constructor.

Finally, apply all transformations in your processor:

public class ClassProcessor extends AbstractProcessor<CtClass<?>> {
	public void process(CtClass<?> ctClass) {
		// Creates field.
		final CtTypeReference<Date> dateRef = getFactory().Code().createCtTypeReference(Date.class);
		final CtTypeReference<List<Date>> listRef = getFactory().Code().createCtTypeReference(List.class);
		final CtField<List<Date>> listOfDates = getFactory().Core().<List<Date>>createField();

		// Creates constructor.
		final CtCodeSnippetStatement statementInConstructor = getFactory().Code().createCodeSnippetStatement("this.dates = dates");
		final CtBlock<?> ctBlockOfConstructor = getFactory().Code().createCtBlock(statementInConstructor);
		final CtParameter<List<Date>> parameter = getFactory().Core().<List<Date>>createParameter();
		final CtConstructor constructor = getFactory().Core().createConstructor();

		// Apply transformation.

Refactoring transformations

Spoon provides some methods for automated refactoring:.

  • Local Variable Refactoring class, renames local variables and includes extra checking to ensure program correctness after renaming,
  • Generic Variable Refactoring class, renames any variable type (field, parameter, local), but does not do any extra checking to ensure program correctness.
  • Refactoring contains helper methods for refactoring, incl. one for automated removal of deprecated methods.