Spoon provides developers a way of writing code transformations called
code templates. Those templates are statically type-checked, in
order to ensure statically that the generated code will be correct.
A Spoon template is a regular Java class that taken as input by the Spoon templating engine to perform a transformation.
This is summarized in Figure below. A Spoon template can be seen as a
higher-order program, which takes program elements as arguments, and returns a
transformed program. Like any function, a template can be used in different
contexts and give different results, depending on its parameters.

Definition of templates
Class CheckBoundTemplate
below defines a Spoon template.
public class CheckBoundTemplate extends StatementTemplate {
TemplateParameter<Collection<?>> _col_;
public void statement() {
if (_col_.S().size() > 10)
throw new OutOfBoundException();
This template specifies a
statement (in method statement
) that is a precondition to check that a list
is smaller than a certain size. This piece of code will be injected at the
beginning of all methods dealing with size-bounded lists. This template has
one single template parameter called _col_
, typed by TemplateParameter
In this case, the template parameter is meant to be an expression (CtExpression
that returns a Collection (see constructor, line 3). All meta-model classes,
incl. CtExpression
implement interface TemplateParameter
. A template parameter has a special method
(named S
, for Substitution) that is used as a marker to indicate the places where
a template parameter substitution should occur. For a CtExpression
, method S()
returns the return type of the expression.
A method S()
is never executed, its only goal is to get the template statically
checked. Instead of being executed, the template source code is taken as input by the
templating engine which is described above. Consequently, the template source is
well-typed, compiles, but the binary code of the template is thrown away.
Template Instantiation
In order to be correctly substituted, the template parameters need
to be bound to actual values. This is done during template instantiation.
The code at the end of this page shows how to use the check-bound
of template, CheckBoundTemplate
, presented in the previous section.
One first instantiates a template, then one sets the template parameters,
and finally, one calls the template engine. In last line, the bound check
is injected at the beginning of a method body.
Since the template is given the first method parameter which is in the
scope of the insertion location, the generated code is guaranteed to compile.
The Java compiler ensures that the template compiles with a given scope, the
developer is responsible for checking that the scope where she uses
template-generated code is consistent with the template scope.
// creating a template instance
Template t = new CheckBoundTemplate();
t._col_ = createVariableAccess(method.getParameters().get(0));
// getting the final AST
CtStatement injectedCode = t.apply();
// adds the bound check at the beginning of a method
Kinds of templating
There are different kinds of templating.
Subclassing StatementTemplate
Using method apply()
enables to get a new statement (see example CheckBoundTemplate
Subclassing BlockTemplate
Using method apply()
enables to get a new block.
Subclassing ExpressionTemplate
Using method apply()
enables to get a new expression. The core template method must be called expression
and only contain a return with the expression to be templated.
Subclassing ExtensionTemplate
Using method apply()
enables to get a new class where all possible templating in all methods. In addition, the following class level transformations are made:
1) methods and field of the templates are injected in the target class
public class ATemplate1 extends ExtensionTemplate {
int i;
void foo() {};
// inject `i` and `foo` in aCtClass
Substitution.insertAll(aCtClass, new ATemplate1());
2) parametrized superinterfaces are injected in the target class
class ATemplate2 extends ExtensionTemplate implements Serializable, A, B {
// interface templates supports TypeReference
Class A;
Template t = new ATemplate2();
t.A = Comparable.class
Substitution.insertAll(aCtClass, t);
// aCtClass now implements Serializable and Serializable
3) method parameters are replaced
class ATemplate3 extends ExtensionTemplate {
public void methodWithTemplatedParameters(Object params) {
// code
public List<CtParameter> params;
Template t = new ATemplate3();
t.params = ...
Substitution.insertAll(aCtClass, t);
// aCtClass contains methodmethodWithTemplatedParameters with specific parameters
Template parameters
AST elements
All meta-model elements can be used as template parameter.
There are two ways of defining such a template parameter.
1) Using a subtype of TemplateParameter
The following template uses a block as template parameter.
This template type-checks, and can be used as input by the substitution
engine to wrap a method body into a try/catch block. The substitution engine
contains various methods that implement different substitution scenarios.
public class TryCatchOutOfBoundTemplate extends BlockTemplate {
// CTBlock is a subtype of TemplateParameter as most metamodel elements
CtBlock _body_; // the body to surround
public void block() {
try {
} catch (OutOfBoundException e) {
One can also type the field directly with TemplateParameter
public class TryCatchOutOfBoundTemplate extends BlockTemplate {
TemplateParameter<Void> _body_; // the body to surround
public void block() {
try {
} catch (OutOfBoundException e) {
2) Using annotation @Parameter
Fields annotated with @Parameter
are template parameters.
CtInvocation invocation;
and then all invocation.S()
will be replaced by the actual invocation.
Literal template Parameters
For literals, Spoon provides developers with literal template parameters. When the parameter is known to
be a literal (primitive types, Class
or a one-dimensional array of
these types), a template parameter, annotated with @Parameter
enables one to have concise template code.
// with literal template parameter
int val;
val = 5;
if (list.size()>val) {...}
String parameters are not working like other primitive type parameters, since we’re using String parameters only to rename elements of the code like fields and methods.
// with String template parameter, which is used to substitute method name.
String methodName;
methodName = "generatedMethod";
void methodName() {
//a body of generated method
To use a parameter with a type String like other primitive types, use CtLiteral<String>
// with CtLiteral<String> template parameter, which is used to substitute String literal
CtLiteral<String> val;
val = factory.Code().createLiteral("Some string");
String someMethod() {
return val.S(); //is substituted as return "Some string";
or String literal can be optionally generated like this
// with CtLiteral<String> template parameter, which is used to substitute String literal
String val;
val = "Some string";
String someMethod() {
return "val"; //is substituted as return "Some string";
Inlining foreach expressions
Foreach expressions can be inlined. They have to be declared as follows:
CtExpression[] intValues;
template.intValues = new CtExpression[2];
template.intValues[0] = factory.Code().createLiteral(0);
template.intValues[1] = factory.Code().createLiteral(1);
and then,
for(Object x : intValues) {
is transformed into: